Professional Bullying Alert!
Only 5% of Black Attorneys in America
Let’s NOT be in denial about facts and realities, but instead, truly support our overcomers…
I WANTED TO GO AHEAD AND CONGRATULATE YOU, Afam Okeke, J.D., M.B.A., BUT my attention was quickly caught and dragged around by the number of IGNORANT COMMENTS opposing yours… and that, made my work here a lil harder…
So lemme break it down for some of you (Or “Let’s educate each other on this matter…” for my proper speaker/readers):
Everyone has his/her/its own challenges and realities… And every statement has a context…
Remember, Professional Platform = Higher Thinking…
As a lawyer, his primary duty, mission, and concern are to REPRESENT effectively his clients, by bringing to the table, FULL knowledge, and awareness of the Laws…
…NOT BE THE JUDGE/”Jury” DECIDING, and Whom to convince under the LAWS that his client is not a monster to be kept away from society…
One can ONLY really represent EFFECTIVELY what he/she/it can really fully understand… or else the purpose is defeated here, and, corrupted are the results…
Facts and realities in this young man’s context would be:
The black communities in America (or any underserved communities in other contexts…) are being ineffectively represented, causing broken families, and the majority to linger in jails and prisons BY THE THOUSANDS, INNOCENTLY or FOR LESS than what others, with worse situations, even get less punishment for…
Afam Okeke has a logical chance in representing better a community he knows, understands, is part of, could identify by, and that’s another fact and reality; especially in Texas… He has a great fitting audience…
It is obvious that most opposing commentators do not have a clue about Laws nor what the context is here, Yet unintelligent comments would continue…
Why stain his shine with your unique personal experience without even researching facts and realities that are affecting millions, Dear “Professionals”???
That is unintelligent! …And please, STOP THE PROFESSIONAL BULLYING, HATERS…
Y’all have some more consideration for the facts and realities in this context, or keep looking for respect! (cuz I will disrespect you openly for thinking so small and opposing noble efforts!)
…And he is not a racist for…, nor does he even bring up the race card, by expressing his accomplishments and sharing public statistics illustrating social realities in this context.
As for me, I CONGRATULATE, celebrate, encourage and support this young man’s struggle, efforts, and successes…
I also invite him to be an entrepreneur and aim for the next level, a law firm startup business, since it is obvious that he’s already got lots of conflicting/challenging visions and misunderstandings in the “professional realm”…
For this, I would recommend he consults with an accountant, a tax planner, a web designer, and a business consultant… for quicker results.
Through my company, I am willing to sponsor him and any underserved community lawyer, or NOT,(with a noble cause), with a Free Professional Website including Hosting, coaching, and support for 6months, renewable…
I wish y’all a successful professional journey!
Thanks for reading.
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